Logos and Branding
Logo designs for an LGBT Pride Festival, a children's caterer, and a home renovator.
Logos and Branding
Pride Toronto
Logo Redesign, 2009
Logo Redesign, 2009
I love making logos. Below are a few recent ones. From the top:
Mi Casita is a company that makes nutritious food for children of busy families. A nutritionist oversees the planning of meals, and parents choose different menus every day. Emphasis is on whole foods—organic protein sources, vegetables, fruits and whole grains.
Pride Toronto is the city's largest outdoor festival, and is almost entirely run by volunteers. The old logo had been designed by a desktop publisher, and although effective, had not taken into consideration marketplace issues such as target demographics. The logo was updated with a fresh typeface, and the gold asterisk was replaced with a rainbow flower, reminiscent of summer and with a direct connection to the LGBT community.
AttMan is a company that specializes in luxury home renovations. The client needed an identity that implied modernity, craftsmanship and professionalism.